Friday 9 January 2015


Grieve for France, but learn too. You can't banish a large, alienated immigrant population to pools of poverty and deprivation in poisonous banlieux without storing up trouble. In the US it's riots, in France it's killer kids inculcated into a culture of petty crime, drugs and sex who think (despite all appearances to the contrary) that they're religious saints defending a God they are, in fact, defaming.

The worst result would be to widen and deepen the gulf between the two nations by creating fear and hatred of the immigrants they've alienated in the first place. Be warned. Free markets and ghettos make martyrs when they fail.

But whatever happens, it's no longer 'douce France, cher pays de mon enfance'.


Don't let this become an excuse for yet more powers for the security services, yet more restrictive legislation and yet more armed police on the streets. It isn't. It's a reason for more competence and care. People on watch lists weren't watched. No flyers were allowed to fly and no-one saw the indoctrination of credulous criminals. What's the use of more powers if the existing ones are used so incompetently? After the event they pieced everything together. Within minutes they'd brought out all the connections, but several deaths too late.

Observe the greater number and the smaller circulation of French newspapers and the greater frequency of their editions. Observe too the greater circulation of intelligent news mags (Le Nouvel Observateur, Le Point, LExpress and, particularly, the harsh satire mags like Le Canard (circulation 600,000) and Charlie Hebdo (60,000).

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